

Pathophysiology of osteoarthritis: evidence against the viscoelastic theory.
S. Dunn, O.V. Kolomytkin & A.A. MARINO. Pathobiology 76: 322–328, 2009. [PDF]

The electric field is a sufficient physical determinant of the human magnetic sense.
S. Carrubba, C. Frilot, II, F.X. Hart, A.L. Chesson, Jr. & A.A. MARINO. Int. J. Radiat. Biol. 85: 622–632, 2009. [PDF]

The effects of mobile-phone electromagnetic fields on brain electrical activity: a critical analysis of the literature.
A.A. MARINO & S. Carrubba. Electromag. Med. Biol. 28: 250–274, 2009. [PDF]

Evidence that transduction of electromagnetic field is mediated by a force receptor.
A.A. MARINO, S. Carrubba, C. Frilot & A.L. Chesson, Jr. Neurosci. Lett. 452: 119–123, 2009. [PDF]

Magnetosensory function in rats: localization using positron emission tomography.
C. Frilot II, S. Carrubba & A.A. MARINO. Synapse 63:421–428, 2009. [PDF]

O.V. Kolomytkin & A.A. MARINO. In Handbook of Molecular Biophysics: Methods and Applications. H.G. Bohr, Ed. Wiley VCH, pp. 523–556, 2009. [PDF]

Hyaluronan-binding receptors: possible involvement in osteoarthritis.
S. Dunn, O.V. Kolomytkin, D.D. Waddell & A.A. MARINO. Mod. Rheumatol. 19: 151–155, 2009. [PDF]

Method for detection of changes in the EEG induced by the presence of sensory stimuli.
S. Carrubba, C. Frilot, A.L. Chesson, Jr. & A.A. MARINO. J. Neurosci. Meth. 173: 41–46, 2008. [PDF]


Design and implementation of a system-based course in musculoskeletal medicine for medical students.
K. Bilderback, J. Eggerstedt, K.K. Sadasivan, L. Seelig, R. Wolf, S. Barton, R. McCall, A.L. Chesson, Jr. & A.A. MARINO. J. Bone Joint Surg. 90: 2292–2300, 2008. [PDF]

The effects of low-frequency environmental-strength electromagnetic fields on brain electrical activity: a critical review of the literature.
S. Carrubba & A.A. Marino. Electromagn. Biol. Med. 27:83–101, 2008. [PDF]

Magnetosensory evoked potentials: consistent nonlinear phenomena.
S. Carrubba, C. Frilot, A.L. Chesson, Jr., C.L. Webber, Jr., J.P. Zbilut & A.A. MARINO. Neurosci. Res. 60: 95–105, 2008. [PDF]

Nonlinear magnetosensory evoked potentials.
S. Carrubba & A.A. MARINO. Presentation. 10th Experimental Chaos Conference. Catania, Italy, 2008. [PDF]


Hyaluronan suppresses IL-1ß-induced metalloproteinase activity from synovial tissue.
D.D. Waddell, O.V. Kolomytkin, S. Dunn & A.A. MARINO. Clin. Orthop. Relat. Res. 465:241–248, 2007. [PDF]

Chronic knee effusions in patients with advanced osteoarthritis.
D. Waddell & A.A. MARINO. J. Knee Surg. 20: 181–84, 2007. [PDF]

Nonlinear EEG activation evoked by low-strength low-frequency magnetic fields.
S. Carrubba, C. Frilot, A.L. Chesson & A.A. MARINO. Neurosci. Lett. 417: 212–216, 2007. [PDF]

Glycoproteins bound to ion channels mediate detection of electric fields: a proposed mechanism and supporting evidence.
O.V. Kolomytkin, S. Dunn, F.X. Hart, C. Frilot, D. Kolomytkin & A.A. MARINO. Bioelectromagnetics 28:379–385, 2007. [PDF]

Evidence of a nonlinear human magnetic sense.
S. Carrubba, C. Frilot II, A.L. Chesson Jr. & A.A. MARINO. Neuroscience 144: 356–367, 2007. [PDF]


New intra-articular therapy for osteoarthritis.
A.A. MARINO, O.V. Kolomytkin & D.D. Waddell. Venture Capitol Conference, Shreveport, 2006. [PDF]

Development of New Intra-articular Therapy for Osteoarthritis.
ANDREW MARINO & David D. Waddell. Presentation to Investors Group, 2006. [PDF]

Detection of nonlinear event-related potentials.
S. Carrubba, C. Frilot, A. Chesson & A.A. MARINO. J. Neurosci. Meth. 157: 39–47, 2006. [PDF]

Assessment of immunologic mechanisms for flare reactions to Synvisc®.
A.A. MARINO, D.D. Waddell, O.V. Kolomytkin, S. Pruett, K.K. Sadasivan & J.A. Albright. Clin. Orthop. Relat. Res. 442: 187–194, 2006. [PDF]

Evidence of a nonlinear human magnetic sense.
S. Carrubba & A.A. MARINO. Abstract of presentation at the 28thAnnual Meeting of the Bioelectromagnetics Society, Cancun, Mexico, June 2006. [PDF]

Evidence of a nonlinear human magnetic sense.
S. Carrubba & A.A. MARINO. Presentation. 28th Annual Meeting, Bioelectromagnetics Society. Cancun, Mexico, June 11–15, 2006. [PDF]

Possible mechanism for detection of weak low-frequency electric fields.
O.V. Kolomytkin, F.X. Hart, S. Dunn, D. Kolomytkin & A.A. MARINO. Presentation. 28th Annual Meeting, Bioelectromagnetics Society. Cancun, Mexico, June 2006. [PDF]


Is Osteoarthritis an Acquired Channelopathy? A Novel Basic-Science Approach.
A.A. MARINO, O.V. Kolomytkin & D.D. Waddell. Presentation. Grand Rounds: Department of Orthopaedic Surgery. LSU Medical School. March 2005. [PDF]

Local Treatment of Osteoarthritis Using Ion-Channel Blockers.
D.D. Waddell & A.A. MARINO. Presentation to Investors Group, 2005. [PDF]

External suction drainage in primary total joint arthroplasties.
L.M. Gehrig, K.K. Sadasivan, A.A. MARINO & J.A. Albright. Am. J. Orthop. 34: 164–166, 2005. [PDF]


Effect of low-frequency magnetic fields on brain electrical activity in human subjects.
A.A. MARINO, E. Nilsen, A.L. Chesson Jr., & C. Frilot. Clin. Neurophysiol. 115: 1195–1201, 2004. [PDF]

Is Osteoarthritis an Acquired Channelopathy? A Novel Basic-Science Approach.
A.A. MARINO, O. Kolomytkin & D.D. Waddell. Presentation to Investors Group, 2004. [PDF]

Increased intercellular communication through gap junctions may contribute to progression of osteoarthritis.
A.A. MARINO, D.D. Waddell, O.V. Kolomytkin, W.D. Meek, R. Wolf, K.K. Sadasivan & J.A. Albright. Clin. Orthop. Relat. Res. 422: 224–232, 2004. [PDF]

Hyaluronan suppresses IL-1ß-induced metalloproteinase activity from synovial lining cells in patients with osteoarthritis.
A.A. MARINO, D.D. Waddell, O.V. Kolomytkin, K.K. Sadasivan & J.A. Albright. 50th Annual Meeting, Orthopedic Research Society, March 2004. [PDF]

Constitutive and IL-1ß-induced expression of metalloproteinases by synovial lining cells mediated by gap-junction intercellular communication.
O.V. Kolomytkin, A.A. MARINO, D.D. Waddell, R.E. Wolf, K.K. Sadasivan & J.A. Albright. 50th Annual Meeting, Orthopedic Research Society, March 2004. [PDF]

Viscosupplementation: evidence for a mechanism of action.
D.D. Waddell, O.V. Kolomytkin & A.A. MARINO. Presentation.  Annual Meeting of the Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, March 2004. [PDF]


Localization of electroreceptive function in rabbits.
A.A. MARINO, E. Nilsen & C. Frilot. Phys. Behav. 79:803–810, 2003. [PDF]

Electrical stimulation of bone: present, past, future.
A.A. MARINO. Presentation. Orthopaedic Surgery Grand Rounds, LSU Medical School. Shreveport, 2003. [PDF]

Effect of hyaluronans on cytokine-induced metalloproteinase activity secreted by synovial lining cells from patients with osteoarthritis.
S. Dunn, D.D. Waddell, O.V. Kolomytkin & A.A. MARINO. Presentation. Hyaluronan 2003. Cleveland, Ohio, October 2003. [PDF]

United States Patent No. US 6,547,746 B1: Method and Apparatus for Determining Response Thresholds.
Andrew A. MARINO. April 15, 2003. [PDF]

Granulomatous inflammation after Hylan G-F 20 viscosupplementation of the knee.
A.A. MARINO, S. Dunn & D.D. Waddell. J. Bone Joint Surg. 85-A: 2051–2052, 2003. [PDF]

Reply to Dr. Adair’s comment.
A.A. MARINO. Bioelectromagnetics 24: 442, 2003. [PDF]

Nonlinear changes in brain electrical activity due to cell-phone radiation.
A.A. MARINO, E. Nilsen & C. Frilot. Bioelectromagnetics 24: 339–346, 2003. [PDF]

Extracellular currents alter gap junction intercellular communication in synovial fibroblasts.
A.A. MARINO, O.V. Kolomytkin & C. Frilot. Bioelectromagnetics 24: 199–205, 2003. [PDF]

Comment on “Proposed test for detection of nonlinear responses in biological preparations exposed to RF energy.”
A.A. MARINO & C. Frilot. Bioelectromagnetics 24: 70–72, 2003. [PDF]

Action potentials from neuroblastoma cells in weak magnetic fields.
H. Sonnier, O. Kolomytkin & A. MARINO. Neurosci. Lett. 337: 163–166, 2003. [PDF]


Nonlinearity in biological systems: How can physics help?
A.A. MARINO & C. Frilot. In Energy and Information Transfer in Biological Systems. F. Musumeci, L.S. Brizhik, and M.-W. Ho, eds. World Scientific Press, pp. 245–263, 2002. [PDF]

Unifying the immune and neuroendocrine systems.
S.B. Pruett & A.A. MARINO. Trends Endocrinol. Metabol. 13: 273, 2002. [PDF]

Consistent magnetic-field induced dynamical changes in rabbit brain activity detected by recurrence quantification analysis.
A.A. MARINO, E. Nilsen & C. Frilot. Brain Res. 951:301–310, 2002. [PDF]

IL-1ß-induced production of metalloproteinases by synovial cells depends on gap-junction conductance during the early stage of signal transduction.
O.V. Kolomytkin, A.A. MARINO, D.D. Waddell, J.M. Mathis, R.E. Wolf, K.K. Sadasivan & J.A. Albright. Am. J. Physiol: Cell Physiol. 282: C1254–C1260, 2002. [PDF]

Nonlinearity in biological systems: how can physics help?
A.A. MARINO. Presentation. International Workshop on Energy and Information Transfer in Biological Systems. Catania, Italy, 2002. [PDF]

Gap junctions in osteoarthritis.
D.D. Waddell, A.A. MARINO, O.V. Kolomytkin, W.D. Meek, R.E. Wolf, K.K. Sadasivan & J.A. Albright. Presentation. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting. Dallas, TX, February 2002. [PDF]

Effect of concentration and molecular weight of hyaluronan on interleukin-1-induced matrix metalloprotease activity.
S. Dunn, O. Kolomytkin, D. Waddell & A. MARINO. Osteoarthritis Cartilage 10 (Suppl. 1): PS78, 2002. [PDF]


Nonlinear determinism in the immune system. In vivo influence of electromagnetic fields on different functions of murine lymphocyte subpopulations.
A.A. MARINO, R.M. Wolcott, R. Chervenak, F. Jourd’heuil, E. Nilsen & C. Frilot II. Immunol. Invest. 30:313–334, 2001. [PDF]

Nonlinear dynamical law governs magnetic field changes in lymphoid phenotype.
A.A. MARINO, R.M. Wolcott, R. Chervenak, F. Jourd’heuil, E. Nilsen & C. Frilot II. Bioelectromagnetics 22:529–546, 2001. [PDF]

Coincident nonlinear changes in the endocrine and immune systems due to low-frequency magnetic fields.
A.A. MARINO, R.M. Wolcott, R. Chervenak, F. Jourd’heuil, E. Nilsen, C. Frilot II & S.B. Pruett. NeuroImmunoModulation 9:65–77, 2001. [PDF]

Sensory transduction as a proposed model for biological detection of electromagnetic fields.
H. Sonnier & A.A. MARINO. Electro- and Magnetobiology 20:153–175, 2001. [PDF]

Assessing health risks of cell towers.
A.A. MARINO. In Cell Towers: Wireless Convenience? or Environmental Hazard? B. Blake Levitt, ed. Square One Publishers, pp. 87–103, 2001. [PDF]


In the eye of the beholder: the role of style of thought in the determination of health risks from electromagnetic fields.
A.A. MARINO. Frontier Perspectives 9: 22–27, 2000. [PDF]

Assessing health risks of EMFs from cell towers.
A.A. MARINO. Presentation. Cell Towers Forum: State of the Science, State of the Law. Litchfield, CT, December 2000. [PDF]

Nonlinear response of the immune system to power-frequency magnetic fields.
A.A. MARINO, R.M. Wolcott, R. Chervenak, F. Jourd’heuil, E. Nilsen & C. Frilot II. Am. J. Physiol. Regulatory Integrative Comp. Physiol. 279:R761–R768, 2000. [PDF]

Effect of soft-tissue trauma on the early periosteal response of bone to injury.
P.S. Landry, A.A. MARINO, K.K. Sadasivan & J.A. Albright. J. Trauma 48: 479–483, 2000. [PDF]

Gap junctions in human synovial cells and tissue.
O.V. Kolomytkin, A.A. MARINO, K.K. Sadasivan, W.D. Meek, R.E. Wolf, V. Hall, K.J. McCarthy & J.A. Albright. J. Cell. Physiol. 184: 110–117, 2000. [PDF]

Resting potential of excitable neuroblastoma cells in weak magnetic fields.
H. Sonnier O.V. Kolomytkin & A.A. MARINO. Cell. Molec. Life Sci. 57: 514–520, 2000. [PDF]

Programmed cell death in post-traumatic bone callus.
M.L. Olmedo, P.S. Landry, K.K. Sadasivan, J.A. Albright & A.A. MARINO. Cell. Molec. Biol. 46: 89–97, 2000. [PDF]

Mechanistic basis of osteoarthritis.
A.A. MARINO. Presentation. LSU–Shreveport Dept. of Pharmacology, LSU-Shreveport. May 2000. [PDF]

Chaos and fractals in medicine and biology.
A.A. MARINO. Presentation. Temple Univ., Center for Frontier Science. Philadelphia, PA, March 2000. [PDF]