
Expert Report Regarding Smart Meters.
A.A. MARINO. Povacz v PECO, Pennsylvania Utility Commission, 2017. [PDF]

Legal and ethical issues in neurology.
A.A. MARINO. Presentation. Neurology Grand Rounds, LSU Health Sciences Center – Shreveport, September 23, 2011. [PDF]

Chapter 28: Young Richman.
A.A. MARINO. In Going Somewhere; Truth About a Life in Science. A.A. MARINO. Cassandra, pp. 393–409, 2010. [PDF]

Chapter 27: Christopher.
A.A. MARINO. In Going Somewhere; Truth About a Life in Science. A.A. MARINO. Cassandra, pp. 369–391, 2010. [PDF]

Chapter 26: Looking at EMFs I to I.
A.A. MARINO. in Going Somewhere: Truth About a Life in Science. A.A. MARINO. Cassandra, pp. 341–365, 2010. [PDF]

Chapter 24: Ipse Dixit.
A.A. MARINO. In Going Somewhere; Truth About a Life in Science. A.A. MARINO. Cassandra, pp. 309–333, 2010. [PDF]

Chapter 23: Razzle-Dazzle.
A.A. MARINO. In Going Somewhere; Truth About a Life in Science. A.A. MARINO. Cassandra, pp. 291–308, 2010. [PDF]

Chapter 21: Experts.
A.A. MARINO. In Going Somewhere; Truth About a Life in Science. A.A. MARINO. Cassandra, pp. 247–271, 2010. [PDF]

Being Profound and Seeming Profound.
Those who know that they are profound strive for clarity. Those who would like to seem profound to laymen strive for obscurity under the theory that laymen believe what they don’t understand must be profound. This is the key reason that lawyers for cell phone … Read more >>

Easy Answer.
Unintelligent people often take a dim view of the EMF controversy. Some of them see it as a matter to be resolved by experts, and others put their faith in the government. They say, “If cell phones caused brain cancer the government would ban them.” How sad it is to have … Read more >>

United States Patent No. US 6,547,746 B1: Method and Apparatus for Determining Response Thresholds.
Andrew A. MARINO. April 15, 2003. [PDF]

The scientific basis of causality in toxic tort cases.
A.A. MARINO & L.E. Marino. Dayton Law Review. 21: 1–62, 1995. [PDF]

CFSTM for Treatment of Knee-Ligament Injuries. Pre-Market Application to U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
Plastafil, Inc. Volume 1: Summary of Safety and Effectiveness Data, 1992. [PDF]

We need a science court (Editorial).
A.A. MARINO. J. Bioelectricity 4(1): vii–viii, 1985. [PDF]

Where is the EPA’s sense of decency? (Editorial)
A.A. MARINO. J. Bioelectricity 3(12): 1–2, 1984. [PDF]

Separating disputes over facts from disputes over values.
A. Mazur, A.A. MARINO & R.O. Becker, in The Dynamics of Technical Controversy, A. Mazur, Communications Press, Inc., Washington D.C., 1981. [PDF]

Prepared Testimony of Andrew A. Marino, Ph.D., J.D., Veterans Administration Hospital Syracuse, New York.
In the Matter of: The Application for Certification of Pacific Gas and Electric Company Re: Geysers Unit 16.Docket No. 79-AFC-5. California, August 4, 1980. [PDF]

Separating factual disputes from value disputes in controversies over technology.
A. Mazur, A.A. MARINO & R.O. Becker. Technology in Society 1: 229–237, 1979. [PDF]

High voltage lines: hazard at a distance.
A.A. MARINO & R.O. Becker. Environment 20: 6–15, 1978. [PDF]

Hazard at a distance: effects of exposure to the electric and magnetic fields of high voltage transmission lines.
A.A. MARINO & R.O. Becker. Med. Res. Eng. 12: 6–9, 1978. [PDF]

Amicus Curiae Brief on Exceptions, submitted by Andrew A. Marino, Ph.D., J.D., Veterans Administration Hospital Syracuse, New York.
State of New York, Public Service Commission, Cases 26529 AND 26559—Common Record Hearings on Health and Safety of 765 kV Transmission Lines, February 1978. [PDF]

Electromagnetic pollution.
R.O. Becker & A.A. MARINO. The Sciences, January, 1978, pp. 14, 15, 23. [PDF]

Amicus Curiae Reply Brief submitted by Andrew A. Marino, Ph.D., J.D., Veterans Administration Hospital Syracuse, New York.
State of New York, Public Service Commission, Cases 26529 AND 26559— Common Record Hearings on Health and Safety of 765 kV Transmission Lines, September 1977. [PDF]

Amicus Curiae Brief submitted by Andrew A. Marino, Ph.D., J.D., Veterans Administration Hospital Syracuse, New York.
State of New York, Public Service Commission, Cases 26529 AND 26559— Common Record Hearings on Health and Safety of 765 kV Transmission Lines, July 1977. [PDF]

Prepared Testimony of Andrew A. Marino, Ph.D., J.D., Veterans Administration Hospital Syracuse, New York.
In the Matter of: The Application for Certification of Pacific Gas and Electric Company Re: Geysers Unit 16. Docket No. 79-AFC-5. California, June 17, 1977. [PDF]

Rebuttal Testimony of Andrew A. Marino, Ph.D., J.D., Veterans Administration Hospital Syracuse, New York.
State of New York, Public Service Commission, Cases 26529 AND 26559—Common Record Hearings on Health and Safety of 765 kV Transmission Lines, November 1976. [PDF]

Prepared Testimony of Andrew A. Marino, Ph.D., J.D., Veterans Administration Hospital Syracuse, New York.
State of New York, Public Service Commission, Cases 26529 AND 26559—Common Record Hearings on Health and Safety of 765 kV Transmission Lines, November1975. [PDF]

Prepared Testimony of Andrew A. Marino, Ph.D., J.D., Veterans Administration Hospital Syracuse, New York.
State of New York, Public Service Commission, Case 26559 – Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation and Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation: Pannell Road to Volney and Oswego to Sterling Transmission Facilities, October 1974. [PDF]

Scientific Evidence in Cases Involving Electromagnetic Energy.
Historically, the law has struggled to formulate rules of evidence for governing scientific testimony. The issue was resolved at the federal and, in most cases, state levels when special rules of evidence were adopted and then interpreted by the Supreme Court in … Read more >>

National Character.
The laws that govern the introduction of man-made disease-causing toxins into the environment are an expression of our national character. We don’t like anybody telling us what we can or can’t do. Sometimes we make exceptions, the penal law for example, but … Read more >>

Science Courts.
The suggestion was made that disputes involving the real-world significance of scientific information could be settled by scientific judges chosen by the scientists who advocated the opposite sides of the issue. The idea initially sounded good to me because the core … Read more >>

In a hearing involving the health and safety of high-voltage powerlines I testified on behalf of the staff of the New York Public Service Commission. During my cross-examination by Henry Noll, one of the lawyers representing the Niagara Mohawk Power Company, …