Nonlinearity in biological systems: How can physics help?
A.A. MARINO & C. Frilot. In Energy and Information Transfer in Biological Systems. F. Musumeci, L.S. Brizhik, and M.-W. Ho, eds. World Scientific Press, pp. 245–263, 2002. [PDF]
Nonlinearity in biological systems: how can physics help?
A.A. MARINO. Presentation. International Workshop on Energy and Information Transfer in Biological Systems. Catania, Italy, 2002. [PDF]
H. Sonnier & A.A. MARINO. in Encyclopedia of Applied Physics, Update 1, Wiley-VCH Publishers, Inc., pp. 401–405, 1999. [PDF]
A.A. MARINO, in Encyclopedia of Applied Physics, Vol. 11, VCH Publishers, Inc., pp. 297–322, 1994. [PDF]
Potassium channels in epithelial cells.
I.G. Iliev & A.A. MARINO. Cell. Mol. Biol. Res. 39: 601–611, 1993. [PDF]
Piezoelectricity in cementum, dentin, and bone.
A.A. MARINO & B.D. Gross. Arch. Oral Biol. 34: 507–509, 1989. [PDF]
Quasi-static charge interactions in bone.
A.A. MARINO, J. Rosson, E. Gonzalez, L. Jones, S. Rogers & E. Fukada. J. Electrostatics 21: 347–360, 1988. [PDF]
Environmental electromagnetic energy and public health.
A.A. MARINO. In Foundations of Modern Bioelectricity, A.A. Marino, ed., Marcel Dekker, New York, pp. 965–1044, 1988. [PDF]
Direct current and bone growth.
A.A. MARINO. In Foundations of Modern Bioelectricity, A.A. Marino, ed., Marcel Dekker, New York, pp. 657–709, 1988. [PDF]
Silver-nylon cloth: In vitro and in vivo evaluation of antimicrobial activity.
E.A. Deitch, A.A. MARINO, V. Malakanok & J.A. Albright. J. Trauma 27: 301–304, 1987. [PDF]
Slow healing fractures: can they be prevented?
G. Fontanesi, G.C. Traina, F. Giancecchi, I. Tartaglia, R. Rotini, B. Virgili, R. Cadossi, G. Ceccherelli & A.A. MARINO. Ital. J. Orthop. Traumatol. 12(3):371–385, 1986. [PDF]
Electrical treatment of Lewis lung carcinoma in mice.
A.A. MARINO, D.M. Morris & T. Arnold. J. Surg. Res. 41: 198–201, 1986. [PDF]
Electric silver antisepsis.
A.A. MARINO, E.A. Deitch & J.A. Albright. IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng. BME-32: 336–337, 1985. [PDF]
Electrochemical properties of silver-nylon fabrics.
A.A. MARINO, V. Malakanok, E.A. Deitch, J.A. Albright & R.D. Specian. J. Electrochem. Soc. 132: 68–72, 1985. [PDF]
Public health aspects of the energy flux of high-voltage powerlines.
F.X. Hart & A.A. MARINO. Innov. Tech. Bio. Med. (French) 5: 636–640, 1984. [PDF]
Electrical augmentation of the antimicrobial activity of silver-nylon fabrics.
A.A. MARINO, E.A. Deitch & J.A. Albright. J. Biol. Phys. 12: 93–98, 1984. [PDF]
The use of carbon fibers in ligament repair: mechanical and biological properties.
J.A. Albright, E.M. Keating & A.A. MARINO. Schumpert Med. Q. 3: 16–24, 1984. [PDF]
Electrical stimulation in orthopaedics: past, present and future.
A.A. MARINO. J. Bioelectricity 3: 235–244, 1984. [PDF]
Weak electrical fields affect plant development.
A.A. MARINO, F.X. Hart & M. Reichmanis. IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng. BME 30: 833–834, 1983. [PDF]
Silver nylon: a new antimicrobial agent.
E.A. Deitch, A.A. MARINO, T.E. Gillespie & J.A. Albright. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 23: 356–359, 1983. [PDF]
Bioelectric considerations in the design of high-voltage power lines.
M. Reichmanis & A.A. MARINO. J. Bioelectricity 1: 329–338, 1982. [PDF]
ELF dosage in ellipsoidal models of man due to high-voltage transmission lines.
F.X. Hart & A.A. MARINO. J. Bioelectricity 1: 129–154, 1982. [PDF]
Kirlian photography: potential for use in diagnosis.
A.A. MARINO, R.O. Becker & B. Ullrich. Psychoenerg. Syst. 3: 47–54, 1979. [PDF]
Evaluation of electrical techniques for stimulation of hard tissue growth.
R.O. Becker, J.A. Spadaro & A.A. MARINO. Bull. Prosthetics Res. BPR 10–30: 206–209, 1978. [PDF]
Evaluation of electrical techniques for stimulation of hard tissue growth.
R.O. Becker, J.A. Spadaro & A.A. MARINO. Bull. Prosthetics Res. BPR 10-29: 133–136, 1978. [PDF]
Evaluation of electric techniques for stimulation of hard tissue growth.
R.O. Becker, J.A. Spadaro & A.A. MARINO. Bull. Prosthetics Res. BPR 10-27: 180–184, 1977. [PDF]
Biophysics of animal response to an electrostatic field.
F.X. Hart & A.A. MARINO. J. Biol. Phys. 4: 123–143, 1976. [PDF]
Evaluation of electrochemical information transfer system. I. Effect of electric fields on living organisms.
A.A. MARINO, T.J. Berger, B.P. Austin, R.O. Becker & F.X. Hart. J. Electrochem. Soc. 123: 1199–1200, 1976. [PDF]
Photoconductivity in bone and tendon.
R.G. Fuller, A.A. MARINO & R.O. Becker. Biophys. J. 16: 845–846, 1976. [PDF]
Piezoelectricity in hydrated frozen bone and tendon.
A.A. MARINO & R.O. Becker. Nature 253: 627–628, 1975. [PDF]
Comment on “Participatory Lecture Demonstration with an 83-Ton Bar Electromagnet.”
A.A. MARINO. Am. J. Phys. 42: 259, 1974. [PDF]
Effect of selected metals on marrow cells in culture.
A.A. MARINO, T.J. Berger, R.O. Becker & J.A. Spadaro. Chem. Biol. Interact. 9: 217–223, 1974. [PDF]
Piezoelectricity in bone as a function of age.
A.A. MARINO & R.O. Becker. Calc. Tiss. Res. 14: 327–331, 1974. [PDF]
Piezoelectricity and autoinduction.
A.A. MARINO & R.O. Becker. Clin. Orthop. Relat. Res. 100: 247–249, 1974. [PDF]
Electrical stimulation of articular cartilage regeneration.
B. Baker, J.A. Spadaro, A.A. MARINO & R.O. Becker. Conference on Electrically Mediated Growth Mechanisms. NY Academy of Sciences, September 1973. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 238: 491–499, 1974. [PDF]
Dupuytren’s contracture: some associated biophysical abnormalities.
E. Berg, A.A. MARINO & R.O. Becker. Clin. Orthop. Relat. Res. 83: 144–148, 1972. [PDF]
Origin of the piezoelectric effect in bone.
A.A. MARINO, S.C. Soderholm & R.O. Becker. Calc. Tiss. Res. 8: 177–180, 1971. [PDF]
Piezoelectric effect and growth control in bone.
A.A. MARINO & R.O. Becker. Nature 228: 473, 1970. [PDF]
Evidence for epitaxy in the formation of collagen and apatite.
A.A. MARINO & R.O. Becker. Nature 226: 652–653, 1970. [PDF]
The effect of electric current on rat tail tendon collagen in solution.
A.A. MARINO & R.O. Becker. Calc. Tiss. Res. 4: 330–338, 1970. [PDF]
Temperature dependence of the electron paramagnetic resonance signal in tendon collagen.
A.A. MARINO & R.O. Becker. Nature 222: 164–165, 1969. [PDF]
Correction concerning electron paramagnetic resonance in human bone mineral.
A.A. MARINO & R.O. Becker. Nature 221(181): 661, 1969. [PDF]
Role of water in some biophysical properties of skeletal tissues.
R.O. Becker & A.A. MARINO. In Biology of the Mouth, Publication No. 89, Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci., pp. 135–143, 1968. [PDF]
Mechanically induced free radicals in bone.
A.A. MARINO & R.O. Becker. Nature 218: 466–467, 1968. [PDF]
Dielectric and Paramagnetic Resonance Properties of Bone. (Ph.D. Dissertation)
A.A. MARINO. Dissertation number 6907760. Syracuse University. ProQuest 302408678, 1968. [PDF]
Dielectric determination of bound water of bone.
A.A. MARINO, R.O. Becker & C.H. Bachman. Phys. Med. Biol. 12: 367–378, 1967. [PDF]
Evidence for direct physical bonding between the collagen fibers and apatite crystals in bone.
A.A. MARINO & R.O. Becker. Nature 213: 697–698, 1967. [PDF]
The electron paramagnetic resonance spectra of bone and its major components.
R.O. Becker & A.A. MARINO. Nature 210: 583–588, 1966. [PDF]