Marino and co-workers presented evidence from human observational studies that indicated exposure to man-made electromagnetic energy in the environment was related to the occurrence of cancer and other diseases. They argued that the practice by government and industry of incorporating linear dose models into observational studies was statistically invalid because the link between exposure and biological effects was known from laboratory studies to be nonlinear. In other words, use of linear models was certain to result in underestimation of health risks as assessed from observational studies.
Marino concluded that planned reliance by government and industry on prospective human observational studies as a primary method of evaluating human health risks due to environmental electromagnetic energy was equivalent to involuntary human experimentation.
Marino identified human exposure to environmental electromagnetic energy as a legal but-for cause of cancer and proposed that the link was mediated by effects of the energy on the cybernetic regulatory systems of the body.

In a series of related animal studies, Marino and co-workers provided evidence that the connection between exposure to powerline electromagnetic energy and cancer was mediated by impairment of the surveillances function of the immune system.
Marino and co-workers proved that man-made electromagnetic energy was a biological stressor which weakened the immune system by acting through the known biochemical pathway of other common stressors.
Marino concluded that the use of linear dose models by government and industry to measure the toxicity of powerline and cellphone electromagnetic energy was culpably misleading because the relationships between exposure and its pathological consequences, as reported in numerous animal studies, were inherently nonlinear. He consistently argued that, at best, reliance on linear models was a manifestation of ignorance regarding the scientific evidence and, at worst, an intentional effort to gainsay the risk of toxicological consequences.
Marino and co-workers presented evidence that electromagnetic energy also mediated cybernetic control at the cellular level. In clinical studies, they showed that the levels of naturally present electromagnetic energy measured on the skin of women who had a palpable breast mass differed depending on whether the mass was benign or cancerous. In isolated cells studied in the laboratory, they showed that natural cellular electromagnetic energy differed between normal cells and those that had been transformed into cancer cells.
They showed that tumors in mice could be destroyed using electromagnetic energy.