Electromagnetic hypersensitivity syndrome revisited again.
A.A. MARINO. Int. J. Neurosci. 123:593–594, 2013. [PDF]
Response to letter to the Editor concerning “Electromagnetic hypersensitivity: evidence for a novel neurological syndrome.”
A.A. MARINO, S. Carrubba & D.E. McCarty. Int. J. Neurosci. 122:402–403, 2012. [PDF].
Electromagnetic hypersensitivity: evidence for a novel neurological syndrome.
D.E. McCarty, S. Carrubba, A.L. Chesson, Jr., C. Frilot II, E. Gonzalez-Toledo & A.A. MARINO. Int. J. Neurosci. 121:670–676, 2011. [PDF]. (Introduction, an MP3 audio file).
Cellular basis of EMF sensitivity.
A.A. MARINO. Presentation. 28th Annual Intl. Symposium on Man and His Environment: EMF Sensitivity. Dallas, TX, June 2010. [PDF]
In the eye of the beholder: the role of style of thought in the determination of health risks from electromagnetic fields.
A.A. MARINO. Frontier Perspectives 9: 22–27, 2000. [PDF]
Different outcomes in biological experiments involving weak EMFs: Is chaos a possible explanation?
A.A. MARINO. Am. J. Physiol. 268 (Regulatory Integrative Comp. Physiol. 37: R1013–R1018, 1995. [PDF]
Time-dependent hematological changes in workers exposed to electromagnetic fields.
A.A. MARINO. Am. Ind. Hyg. Assoc. J. 56: 189–192, 1995. [PDF]
Physical effects of electromagnetism.
A.A. MARINO. Presentation. 7th Annual International Symposium: Man and His Environment in Health and Disease. Dallas, TX, 1989. [PDF]
Role of electromagnetic energy in disease.
A.A. MARINO. Presentation. 5th Annual International Symposium: Man and His Environment in Health and Disease. Dallas, TX, 1987. [PDF]