
Increased intercellular communication through gap junctions may contribute to progression of osteoarthritis.
A.A. MARINO, D.D. Waddell, O.V. Kolomytkin, W.D. Meek, R. Wolf, K.K. Sadasivan & J.A. Albright. Clin. Orthop. Relat. Res. 422: 224–232, 2004. [PDF]

IL-1ß-induced production of metalloproteinases by synovial cells depends on gap-junction conductance during the early stage of signal transduction.
O.V. Kolomytkin, A.A. MARINO, D.D. Waddell, J.M. Mathis, R.E. Wolf, K.K. Sadasivan & J.A. Albright. Am. J. Physiol: Cell Physiol. 282: C1254–C1260, 2002. [PDF]

Gap junctions in osteoarthritis.
D.D. Waddell, A.A. MARINO, O.V. Kolomytkin, W.D. Meek, R.E. Wolf, K.K. Sadasivan & J.A. Albright. Presentation. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting. Dallas, TX, February 2002. [PDF]

Gap junctions in human synovial cells and tissue.
O.V. Kolomytkin, A.A. MARINO, K.K. Sadasivan, W.D. Meek, R.E. Wolf, V. Hall, K.J. McCarthy & J.A. Albright. J. Cell. Physiol. 184: 110–117, 2000. [PDF]

Gap Junctions in human synovial cells and tissue.
O. Kolomytkin, K. Sadasivan, A. MARINO, R. Wolf & J. Albright. Presentation. Experimental Biology 98. San Francisco, CA, April 1998. [PDF]

Interleukin-1ß switches electrophysiological states of synovial fibroblasts.
O.V. Kolomytkin, A.A. MARINO, K.K. Sadasivan, R.E. Wolf & J.A. Albright. Am. J. Physiol. 273 (Regulatory Integr. Comp. Physiol. 42): R1822–R1828, 1997. [PDF]